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更新时间:2025-03-10 18:36:12
  • 网络解释

1. presume on什么意思

1. (不正当地)利用:951presumev. 假定,推测,占便宜 | 952presume on(不正当地)利用 | 953pretextn. 借口

  • 临近词

The present Mr. Rochester's mother was a Fairfax, and second cousin to my husband: but I never presume on the connection -- in fact, it is nothing to me;(现在这位罗切斯特的母亲是费尔法克斯家的人,她的父亲和我丈夫的父亲是堂兄弟,但我从来没有指望这层关系,其实这与我无关。)
The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of genetic and environmental factors on the onset of AA and presume the possible genetic model of AA.(本文旨在研究遗传因素及环境因素在斑秃发病过程中的作用以及探讨斑秃可能的遗传模式。)
I presume you're here on business.(我想你是来这儿出差的吧。)
Investors may reasonably presume that buying a CDS on European debt is an ineffective form of protection.(投资者有理由相信购买欧洲债券的CDS不能有效地保护资产。)
We certainly need the money, but, on the other hand, I do't want to presume upon your generosity.(我们确实需要这笔钱,但另一方面,我不想过份依靠你慷慨解囊。)
Investors may reasonably presume that buying a CDS on European debt is an ineffective form of protection. That will make them less likely to buy European government bonds altogether.(投资者可能会合理的假设:买欧洲债务的CDS已经不是一个有效的保护形式,让他们都去买欧洲债券,已经是不太可能。)
When people cannot rely on large companies to protect personal information, the only responsible approach is to presume breaches are inevitable and try to mitigate the damage.(当人们无法依靠大企业来保护个人信息时,唯一负责任的办法是假设数据被窃是不可避免的,然后尝试缓解损害。)
We would have to presume on the apartment staff for interviews. And I would personally preside over all of these interviews.(我们要利用公寓内的工作人员,对他们进行面谈,而我将亲自主持所有这些面谈。)
To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn't know waht to do or that he can't do it on his own.(在男人看来,女人自作主张提出的建议就是认为他们不知道该做什么,不能凭独自的力量获取胜利。)
Take care that you don't presume on my feelings.(注意不要滥用我的感情。)
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